廊坊松杉玻璃微珠有限公司是一家拥有30年技术积累的公司,专业从事高品质、各种类型实心玻璃珠的生产、研发和制造!产品类型包括:工业喷砂和喷丸玻璃珠、路标反光玻璃珠、涂料预混玻璃珠、新型建筑材料玻璃珠、工艺玩具玻璃珠、填充改性玻璃珠、菱形玻璃珠,以及全系列多用途玻璃珠产品! 各类产品均以自主技术制造为基础,以廊坊生产基地为依托,辐射中国各区域市场,并分布在欧洲、南美、北美、日本、韩国、东南亚、澳大利亚和非洲等国际市场!产品支持GBT 24722-2020、BS 6088-1981、BS EN 1423-2012、BS EN 1425-1998、AASHTO M247、KS L2521-2019、JIS R3301-2014等国家和工厂标准以及其他行业标准! LANGFANG SONGSHAN GLASS BEADS CO., LTD. is a company with 30 years of technical accumulation,specializing in the production, research, development,and manufacturing of high-quality and various types of solid glass beads! The product types include: industrial blasting and shot blasting glass beads,road sign reflective glass beads, paint premixed glass beads,new building material glass beads, craft toy glass beads,filled modified glass beads, diamond shaped glass beads,and a full range of multi-purpose glass beads products ! 展开